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 Janus versions

All Bridgeboards use a library system called Janus to handle communication
between the host  Amiga computer and the Bridgeboard itself.  The latest
version of Janus is version 2.1 which only came standard with the A2386SX
Bridgeboard.  Janus 2.1 will work with the A2088 and A2286 Bridgeboards. 

Features in Janus 2.1 over v2.0 are:

 - Windows 3.x compatible display and mouse drivers.

 - New ARead and AWrite utilities, more options and wildcard support.

 - Autoload feature which will start up the Amiga side service when the
   PC requests it (AMouse, ATime,etc).

 - Install utility that will set-up hardfiles, install Enforcer, etc.

 - Workbench 2.0 compliant interface.

It also provides full PC keyboard emulation from the PC Color/Mono windows, with
the following key sequences as PC keys equivalents:

PC Key               Amiga Key
------               ---------
Break Key            Ctrl+ScrL
Pause Key            Ctrl-NumL
Num Lock             Left Amiga-NumL or Right Amiga-N
Print Screen         Left Amiga-PrtSc or Right Amiga-P
Scroll Lock          Left Amiga-ScrL or Right Amiga-NumL

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